If you are interested in getting involved in media literacy education at an international, national, or local level, PLAY recommends you check out the following organizations and the good work they do (in alphabetical order) [read more]

Thankfully, there are now thousands of readings on the topic of digital and media literacy. Some are better than others, however. PLAY privileges resources that acknowledge individual agency while also recognizing the imbalances that exist within and across the social, political, and economic environments in which we live. From this perspective, we provide a recommended reading list for teachers, professors, community organizers, administrators, and parents of teens and parents of young children [read more].

You can also download one of our cheat sheets that we distribute alongside our professional development [read more].

As a conversation starter, we recommend this 2-minute video from Media Smarts (Canada’s Centre for Digital and Media Literacy) on fact-checking: