When 50 million children and adolescents return to school this fall, they will be immersed in the core subjects of Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science. But arguably the most important set of knowledge and skills of the digital
2013 Project Literacy Among Youth Catalog
[download brochure] 3.4 mg The 2013 catalog of PLAY courses and workshops is now available for download. You’ll find a variety of professional development offerings in the areas of digital media literacy, technology integration, health literacy and connected learning. Formats are flexible—online
10 Steps to Media and Technology Literacy
I was recently reminded of this workshop I facilitated from June 2011 and thought it was worth re-posting. Enjoy.As part of the MSU Network for Educational Renewal Summer Conference, I facilitated a mini-workshop for two engaging groups of teachers and
UNESCO Launches Media & Information Literacy Curriculum for Teachers
Alton Grizzle dazzled NAMLE conference attendees this past week with (among other things) the global and groundbreaking curriculum that UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) released earlier this month: Media and Information Literacy Curriculum for Teachers. What I